by Guy Motil
For most of us, learning a new language is a daunting task. My own studies of both French and German in high school definitely didn’t help my grade point average even though I certainly wasn’t the worst student in either class. More subtly, within the English language, different industries, professions, sub-cultures and even countries seem to have their own set of terms and colloquial expressions that can be quite baffling to the uninitiated. None-the-less, to be part of the band, group, posse or gang you have to be able to communicate.
The following informal glossary/dictionary should get the newcomer to the vintage car racing scene off to a good start and also surprise a few of the more experienced track warriors with a few terms they may not be acquainted with.
As with our history section, we aren’t done. I’ll be adding new entries and photos on a monthly basis, so please check back to see the new additions.